All Saints Parish
811 Vermont Ave.
Kansas City, KS 66101
Our Mass Times
Sunday / Domingo
8:00 am (English)
10:00 am (Spanish)
1:00 pm (Spanish)
6:00 pm (Spanish)
Weekday Masses / Misas entre Semana
Tuesday 6:30 pm (Spanish)
Wednesday 6:30 pm (Spanish)
Thursday 8:00 am (English)
Thursday 6:30 pm (Spanish)
Friday 8:00 am (English)
All email inquiries should be sent to allsaintsparishkc@gmail.com
We are no longer receiving emails at secretary@allsaintsparishkck.org
Confession Times
Horarios de Confesiones
English and Spanish
Saturday's - 3pm at St. Mary - St. Anthony
Sunday's 30 mins. before each mass
(depending on priest availability)
Ressurection Catholic School Escuela Católica Resurrección
425 N. 15th St. Kansas City, KS. 66102 Principal - Director, Kevin O'brien
Secretary - Secretaria, Paula Billings
Parent Liaison - Apoyo familiar, Gabriela Torres
913-371-8101 fax. 913-371-2151
Eucarstic Adoration
Adoración Eucarística
At this moment we do not have public Eucharistic Adoration.
Adoration Chapel open for sign-ups.
Please call the office for information
Bishop Ward High School
Preparatoria Católica
708 North 18th Street, Kansas City, KS 66102 Office - 913-371-1201
Little Sisters of the Lamb
Hermanitas del Cordero
Lumen Christi Monastery
36 South Boeke Street
Kansas City, KS 66101 USA
Tel./ Fax (+1) (913) 621-1727
Little Brothers of the Lamb
Hermanitos del Cordero
Light of Mary, Mother of God Monastery
921 Homer Ave.
Kansas City, KS 66101 USA
Tel. (+1) 913/998-6644